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ROCHESTER AREA VHF CONTEST ACTIVITY HOURS 6 Meters 6 to 7 AM and PM local time 2 Meters 7 to 8 AM and PM local time 222 MHz 8 to 9 AM and PM local time 432 MHz 9 to 10 AM and PM local time 902 MHz and up 10 to 11 AM and PM local time Don't limit yourself to activity only at these times. But, if you want to work a few extra people on a given band, these are the best times to catch them there! SUGGESTED VHF CONTEST CALLING FREQUENCIES BAND CW AND SSB FM NOTES 6 Meters 50.125 and up 52.525 (1) 2 Meters 144.200 +/- 147.45 .48 .48 .51 (2) .54 146.49 .55 .58 222 MHz 222.100 +/- 223.5 .6 432 MHz 432.100 +/- 446.0 446.1 902 MHz 903.1 +/- 905.0 1296 MHz 1296.1 +/- 1294.5 NOTES: 1.) Use frequencies 50.100-50.125 for DX only. 2.) 147.51 is the official RVHFG simplex channel. DETERMING YOUR GRID SQUARE It is impractical to put a map in this digital contest pack. So, you will have to determine your grid square on your own, if you don't know it. Generally, you are in FN13 if you are North of the 43rd paralell, and East of the 77th meridian. You are in FN12 if you are South of the 43rd paralell and East of the 77th merid- ian. You are in FN03 if you are North of the 43rd paralell and West of the 77th meridian. You are in FN02 if you are South of the 43rd paralell and West of the 77th meridian. If you are unsure of your grid square, contact Tim Stoffel at the address/phone # elsewhere in thisone # elsewhere in this packet. The following list of local communities shows which grid square they lie in. If two grid squares are listed, the city is close to a border, and you will need to determine your grid square using a map. Albion FN03 Gates FN13 Lyons FN13 Sodus FN13 Attica FN02 Geneseo FN12 Mendon FN12/13 Spencerport Avon FN12 Greece FN13 Newark FN13 FN13 Batavia FN02/03 Hamlin FN13/03 Ogden FN13 Victor FN12/13 Brighton FN13/12 Holley FN03/13 Parma FN13 Webster FN13 Bristol FN12 Honeoye FN12 Pavillion FN02/03 Brockport FN13/03 Hnye. Falls FN12 Perry FN02/12 Canandaigua FN12 Irondequoit FN13 Rochester FN13 Chili FN13/12 Leroy All 4 Scottsville FN12/13 Not listed? Consult a map!